Ole Abildsnes


Head of Client Delivery

+47 9953 6643


Ole has over 15 years of leadership experience from retail, the book industry and agencies. Ole's mission is to be a catalyst for a curious, dynamic and vital agency culture.

Ole worked as sales and marketing manager at Mission in the period 2015-2020 with responsibility for strategic marketing and content production. Here he was team leader for Mission's editorial team and editor-in-chief of the book "Point of purpose". Ole returned to Mission in the fall of 2023 as Head of Client Delivery with responsibility for customer experience, resource planning and quality assurance.

Ole holds a BA from the University of Oslo in modern languages and literature and a Master of Management degree from BI Norwegian Business School in market-oriented business strategy; leadership, power and sensemaking and change management.


Inki Annweiler


Karl Martin Sætren