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Thought Leadership

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Here you will find a collection of over 200 articles and e-books that deal with topics related to brands, identity and design.







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What will happen in the future?

Here you get an overview in the calendar above:

  • Keynote

  • Seminars

  • Exhibitions

  • Awards ceremonies in Norway

  • Awards ceremonies internationally

We make it easy for you to keep track, but also to find the most relevant events in brand, design and identity.

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Stack of the Point of Purpose book - written by Bård Annweiler

Point of Purpose

Inspired by a relentless pursuit of knowledge, Mission co-founder Bård Annweiler shares the true potential of purpose in his book Point of Purpose .

The essential book for modern leaders and global brand strategists, Point of Purpose introduces purpose as the fundamental reason why today’s companies and brands are successful in business. 

Nice to have



In the design world, one can encounter many words and expressions that can be perceived as foreign or simply incomprehensible. Here we have gathered and explained a selection of the most common words and abbreviations.


There is a lot to keep track of when working with design and branding. We have compiled some checklists that can give you useful tips and advice in a hectic workday.