

Plan for success

The difference between those with a strong brand and those without is that the former has taken control of their brand and created the correct image, that good feeling or the positive reputation they want. A brand strategy helps you take control of your brand.

Why brand strategy?

A strong brand strategy must align with the company's business strategy to ensure everyone is working towards a common goal. The brand strategy contains six elements that define the brand's identity and positioning.

Without a strategy, nothing happens to your brand. You might make progress, and you might not. If you are uncertain, you are likely not in control of your brand.


"With the new logo and brand, we've managed to establish a completely different visibility than we had before. The branding strategy has also helped to build a very strong and good culture internally in the company. This has been crucial to our success in achieving the strategic goals we have had as a company in recent years."

Torgeir Kristiansen
Executive Vice President Communication and Society - Sporveien (2021)

Do you know if your brand, as it is today, is reaching its full potential?


How we work

An insight-based process where the client chooses how much they want to participate. Our tools have been used for more than 20 years to develop brand strategies for several of Norway's largest companies.

Customer benefits

  • With a brand strategy, you gain control over how the brand will succeed.

  • You will achieve a conscious positioning of the brand.

  • The creative process of developing an identity becomes more focused.

How long does it take

A standard process for developing a brand strategy will usually take approx. 8-12 weeks.

We can also run phases 2 and 3 together as a sprint process over 5 working days. Phase 1 will then be completed in 3-4 weeks.

Hands and sketches - Process work
Two people sitting and smiling in a meeting room - Employees in Mission
People sitting in meeting rooms - employees of Mission

Our process

① Insight

We start the work by conducting a brand audit to uncover how todays brand communicates. Thereafter we send out two surveys to document external and internal perceptions of the brand. And finally, the interviews with key employees and customers are to ensure a deep understanding of what drives behaviour and loyalty.

  • Brand audit

  • • Survey employees - analysis of how the brand is perceived internally

  • • Survey customers - analysis of how the brand is perceived externally

  • • In-depth interviews with employees and customers

② Define

We conduct an internal workshop, where we work together on the brand strategy, based on the company's strategy and results from the audit, surveys, and interviews in step 1.


A workshop where we work on the following:

  • · Category belonging

  • Target groups

  • Brand drivers

  • Brand benefits

  • Value proposition

  • Brand personality

③ Develop

Based on the work in step 2, Mission prepares a draft for the brand strategy, which we go through together with the client in workshop number 2.


A second workshop where the following work is conducted:

  • • Presentation and discussion of the draft for the brand strategy

  • • Mapping and positioning of the brand in comparison to the competition

  • • Discussion regarding alternative solutions

  • • Discussion regarding conditions and consequences for the brand

After the workshop, a new and refined version of the brand strategy will be made.

④ Activate

Once the brand strategy has been approved, we need to plan the implementation, how we will measure the brand performance and how we will launch/make the brand strategy public to internal audiences. 

  • · Final version of the brand strategy

  • · Draft for implementation plan

  • · KPI’s to measure progress

  • · Plan for internal launch activities 

Projects with Brand Strategy

Read how to strengthen your strategy.

E-book Brand Strategy

Without Strategy Your Brand is Going Nowhere

Eika's logo on a counter sign made of glass


A Driving Force for Growth and Development for You and Your Local Community

Oslo city presented with logo of Sporveien.


Bringing People and the City Closer Together

Talk to us about brand strategy!