TINE Counseling - Purpose
When good advice is actually not that expensive.
Mission was contacted by TINE Rådgiving to assist in positioning them for the future. Agriculture in Norway is facing major challenges, and for TINE's part, increased competition and changed dietary habits were something that forced major changes. For the farmer, the path chosen to meet the demand for efficiency will be crucial in securing the future. How each individual farmer should go up this road will depend on good advice from TINE Rådgiving.
Mission and TINE Rådgiving therefore quickly found out that it was important to make visible the value of the work they do to the farmers. By making it clear that you play on a team for the common good, we also ensure predictability and long-term perspective for the farmer and TINE Rådgiving.
Project deliveries - the following process was carried out together with TINE
① Insight
Interviews with the board and management of TINE
Interviews with dairy farmers
② Define
Workshop 1. With the management group in TINE Rådgiving
Development of purpose platform
③ Develop
Workshop 2. With the management team and regional representatives from all over the country
Presentation of purpose statement and purpose story
④ Activate
Presentation of implementation plan
Development of tools for launch internally
Purpose film
Development of case stories as a tool for sales via consultants
Development of case films as tools for sales gatherings and kick-offs
① Insight
When we are to define purpose, it is crucial to have a deep understanding of the brand, the history, the culture, the competitive landscape and the ambitions. The hypotheses we form after the insight work often become a good basis for discussion for workshops that are carried out throughout the purpos process.
In-depth interviews
We interviewed selected representatives of the board of TINE SA, employees and managers of TINE Rådgiving and dairy farmers. With such a wide selection, we were able to uncover the culture internally and the perception in the market. TINE's need to create new growth in a competitive market meant, among other things, that we had to map TINE Rådgivning's role in understanding and strengthening their position in the value chain and vis-à-vis the farmer.
② Define
In the first workshop, we defined the framework for purpose based on the overall strategy and ambitions. Typical factors that help to define these frameworks can be:
What value do we create for our customers?
What do we want to change in our industry?
What makes employees proud to work with us?
Based on in-depth interviews in step 1, Mission facilitated workshops where we discussed challenges and our hypotheses about TINE Rådgivning's important role towards the farmer in a time of demanding restructuring, as well as their role in the years ahead. The work with the purpos platform, and especially the definition of category affiliation and what makes TINE Rådgiving unique in relation to the farmer, became crucial topics when we were to stake out a new course.
Purpose Platform
In the group, a purpose platform was prepared, which included the following:
· Category belonging
The uniqueness of the company
Target Audiences
What TINE can contribute to solving the target group's needs
Value creation
Employee motivation
The platform contains, among other things, important questions about category, target group affiliation and the motivation of target groups and employees. Answers to these questions will guide a positioning strategy.
Our brand is the only agricultural consultant tilbyr that offers expertise in all aspects of milk production ➁.
We help the dairy farmer ➂ to achieve his financial and personal goals ➃ by using proven and innovative methods that optimize operations ➄.
We are here to develop the world's best dairy farmers ➅.
We believe that we can contribute to giving the Norwegian dairy farmer the world's best conscience when it comes to the farm, the milk, the family and the environment ➆.
③ Develop
The company's purpose has been developed to highlight the importance of TINE's role. In this way, we also make visible the value they are creating to the dairy farmer.
To help when the job is life
Being a dairy farmer is not a job you have, it is a life you have. And this life is often inherited. One of the things that will always be the basis for everyone who works at TINE is the focus on quality, animal welfare and the environment. The farmer goes to the barn and takes care of the animals every single day, and when the animals are well, the farmer is well! It is about taking care of resources in the very best way today and for future generations. This obligation applies not only to the farm, but also to the entire value chain until the milk is in the refrigerator.
Ensuring sustainable Norwegian milk production throughout Norway is a major task. A task where many have to play on teams to reach the goal. The Purpose statement we developed reflects, gathers and positions the organization in a unique way for the future.
Purpose Statement
Using the purpose platform, we defined the direction of the positioning. This then made it possible to prepare a clear purpose statement that has a unifying effect on the organization.
Purpose story
We reinforce the purpose by putting it into a larger context. The film is intended for employees and should embrace the entire organization. We call it purpose story .
Purpose Tagline
A compressed version of purpose statement. Can also be used as a pay-off.
④ Activate
Once the purpose is approved, we develop plans for launch. We often link the launch to important milestones for the organization. The launch plans consist of activities that will; inform, engage and integrate.
Implementation plan
The change process TINE Rådgiving faced showed that creating growth in turnover and streamlining internally would be crucial factors for success. The launch plans and activities Mission presented to inform, engage and integrate both internally and externally were therefore tailored with this as a backdrop.
Success stories
To demonstrate that TINE delivers on its purpose statement, success stories were prepared to convey what the customers themselves say. Mission developed three cases with different thematic approaches:
Operations management and finance
Health and animal welfare
The customer cases were presented as important tools in the sales work. The cases will convey TINE Rådgivning's purpose statement in a way that creates pride internally and recognition / credibility externally. They will be used on the web, in social media and in direct sales dialogue with customers.
Success Story For
- The dry summer 2018
Storyboard and concept development of Mission.
Production: Torstein Kiserud / TK Film.
The film shows how crucial TINE Rådgivning's role was during the dry summer of 2018. When what you do is a being or not being for the entire operation and the family's future. This summer, the supply of fodder was so extremely poor that farmer Torbjørn Helle on Sagebakken farm in Kristiansand had to turn every stone. With drastic measures and a fantastic TINE adviser, he saved cows and farms!
"We have benefited greatly from Mission's strategic knowledge. We felt that Mission understood the challenges facing TINE Rådgiving in a way that is difficult to achieve from inside a organisation. The spontaneous applause when the purpose film was shown was probably because the content felt real and showed us how much we have to be proud of."
Heine Bakke - Director, TINE Rådgiving
TINE - Annual Report