To be modern is to be real


Either you’re cool, or you’re not. There’s nothing in between! The best thing is to be perceived as genuine. That’s the coolest thing of all!


Either you are hot or you are not

Nowadays, we’re all “young” for longer. We refer to the 50-year-olds of today as the strongest target group ever, with plenty of money and the desire and ability to spend what they have mainly on themselves. The fact that people are staying young at heart for longer means that the brands we surround ourselves with are also capable of regenerating themselves. For some brands, the need to be seen as “cool” is absolutely crucial in some segments. Nike is famous for using talent scouts to find new designers who can boost their brand by challenging the market with cool new styles the whole time.

Unfortunately, some brands have a more impulsive approach to trends and fashions. They leap on a quirky trend which then turns out to be just that – a quirky trend for a brief period of time! At Mission, we avoid this by looking at both short-term and long-term market adaptations. We focus on building a robust core concept for the brand and prefer to use tactical communication to keep the brand contemporary and relevant.

When it comes to being perceived as cool, this is something you are or are not. There is nothing in between! The best thing is to be perceived as real. It's actually the coolest!


  1. Is your brand genuine?

  2. Is your brand identity based on a specific style?

  3. How durable is your brand identity?


Time for companies to innovate or fall


Mission was born in 2001. What's happened in the 15 years that have past?