Unleash creativity in the workplace


Creativity has to be part of the fabric of the business. Without new ideas, you’ll come across as boring and people will overlook you.


We never have any really good ideas any more

Most people will agree that new ideas are crucial to the development of a business. New ideas relating to products, services and communication help companies to appear relevant, and sometimes these new ideas can even change the future.

So how can you facilitate brainstorming sessions? It’s very common for companies to make the occasional symbolic gesture as regards innovation, but they don’t embrace it as part of their corporate culture. Creativity has to be part of the fabric of the business. Look at the market leaders in most industries – you’ll see that new ideas stream out from these companies.

We once worked with a global clothing brand where the product development manager overruled his team. He failed to progress his team’s input within the organisation and their brand stagnated. We used workshops to introduce new ways of developing a more creative culture within the company. This rapidly turned losses into profits, new life was breathed into the brand and the management realised just how important design is when it comes to innovation and sales.


  1. When did your company last do something new?

  2. Is the topic of innovation discussed at board level?

  3. Does your company have a budget earmarked for innovation?


Do you ensure clear marketing communication?


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