How can you tell your company's story?


We need these good stories more than ever. Good tales are a fundamental part of life and humankind has passed them on from generation to generation.


Companies also have important stories to tell , and they can take many forms. This may be the founder's thorny road to success, customised articles to bring out the agenda in the media or a simple tale of the marathon - or sack race - organised to collect money for charity. Long and short stories that have a value because they tell the world what you stand for, what makes you in particular special and why we should care. A good story is the perfect basis for all branding.

What can a good story bring us?

  1. It can inspire our imagination

  2. It gets us to know ourselves better

  3. It can teach us new facts and skills

  4. It can create connections between people

  5. It teaches us to relate to the world around us

  6. It makes it possible to make knowledge-based – and better – choices

What prevents us from telling good stories?


If the marketing department, PR department and company's communication department work separately, they are not always good at sharing information. The good stories may then fall between two – or more – chairs.

Lack of feeling of responsibility

Leaders come and go. Some of them do no more than tread water until a successor takes over. If they do not feel any ownership of the company or care about the inheritance they will leave behind, there is little scope for finding the best stories.

Indifference and lethargy

If the founders who built up the company with their original enthusiasm are no longer present, their success stories and anecdotes may have sunk into oblivion.

Wrong focus

Some companies have an introverted culture. So they miss out on the chance to tell people about what is happening in their world.


Some innovative companies spend millions on marketing but do not see the big picture. Everything is about the next launch , the next campaign and the next press release. They forget to take a step back and see how the brand fits in with the rest of the universe.

What will make your story better?

Though having a strong frontman that everyone listens to and quotes helps, this is not the only way of getting your story across. A skilfully told story has an intrinsic value that means that it hits home. What is it that will bring out the best in the story you wish to contribute?


Many people pepper their surroundings with unimportant things . If you tell your story in an appealing manner, you will stand out and be talked about. You will be remembered as a company worth following.


Smart companies are protective of their past, are in touch with the present and have the future in their sights. All events have potential. Companies that are good at story-telling ensure they link all large and small messages to the company's purpose, values and strategic message. The multitude of anecdotes consolidate each other and build up the story you wish to convey.


Newsletters are not enough. You should communicate in several channels : websites, Intranet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blogs, e-mails, downloads, sales videos and webinars. These are typical tools for people who are good at storytelling. They compose and direct the content and the message so that it gets to the recipients they want to reach.

What can make your stories better?

Believe in yourself

Have pride and self-respect. You must dare to tell your story and, if necessary, take a step outside your comfort zone.


The repetition of facts is rarely particularly absorbing. Listen for stories. Has anyone at the company enjoyed success? What have they achieved? How? What values are communicated? What could arouse the interest of investors?

Send it on

Writing a good story is about conveying the spark that ignited it and communicating it to interested parties.

Stick to facts

Spicing up the story a bit or embellishing the truth can be a temptation, but avoid doing so. Fake news is rife in society but that is no reason to jump on that bandwagon. Social media is quick to make corrections. If you go too far, there will always be someone who objects. Make sure you check out all the facts. Think through what you want to say and what you don't want to say. Stick to the subject.


How you formulate your story is completely decisive when it comes to engaging readers. A) Why is it interesting? B) What kind of results do you want? Try to find the natural steps to take you from A to B.


Some people try to intellectualise their texts. Some people are too technical. Some people love jargon. Put yourself in the reader's position. Think about what they will identify with. Be genuine. Try to talk like a friend would.


Let the text fit in with the media. You won't be able to reproduce the article you are currently reading using 140 characters on Twitter. Understand the nuances of the different media and how the public uses them.


What is prompting the action? Some stories have a specific purpose, such as to get the reader to order a subscription or phone a specific number. It is important to be able to measure the result. Do you want lots of "likes" on Facebook or do you want to stimulate dialogue in the press? The story needs to contain an element that gets the recipient to take action.


A story can have several angles, so consider any natural offshoots from the original. Try to create different messages connected to one theme so that the company's expertise shines through. Interest will gradually wane, so have the next story ready.

Reaching the point

Choose your battles. Know what it is important to say and who you should say it to. Which target groups is it of interest to? Remove any fatty tissue from your strategy. Serve up the target group's favourite dish.

Ask why

What is it that triggers internal and external people? Show why employees should feel proud and why investors should be interested. The fact is that business people have feelings and they are constantly acting on the basis of these feelings.

We believe we can help you tell your stories. Ask us why .


Why be a leader and how to achieve effective leadership?


E-book: The Mission Purpose Report