How will AI transform the design industry?


Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm and will prove to be an invaluable tool for designers and brand strategists. AI allows us to automate tasks, improve productivity and create new opportunities in a variety of industries. Including the design industry. Design agencies that seize this opportunity and use AI to their advantage will be able to gain a competitive edge in the years to come.

Before we look at how AI can be used in design and branding, it's useful for you to understand the different types of AI that exist.

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Today's artificial intelligence

Weak AI, also called narrow AI by some, are systems that are developed to solve specific tasks. These systems can be very good at solving the tasks they are programmed for, but will not work to solve tasks they are not designed to handle.

There are two main categories of weak AI

Rule-based AI, also known as expert systems, is based on predefined rules and logic. This type of AI is best suited for tasks that follow a predictable pattern, and we know it best as, for example, customer service chatbots that can answer frequently asked questions.

The second type is called machine learning, which is an AI that learns from data and can improve its own performance over time. There are several types of machine learning, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning. These use different algorithms and techniques such as neural networks, decision trees and clustering methods.

Well-known forms of weak AI include Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa. The much-publicized service ChatGPT, created by OpenAI, is also an advanced form of weak AI, built on what is called natural language processing (NLP). Both natural language processing and image and video analytics can have both rule-based and machine learning-based approaches. However, they are largely based on machine learning techniques to achieve high accuracy and efficiency in analyzing the data.

The artificial intelligence of the future

Artificial intelligence is divided into three main groups: weak AI, general AI and super AI. For now, we have quickly covered what weak AI is and how it works. The other two variants, or levels if you prefer to call them that, are forms of AI that don't exist yet. That doesn't mean they aren't widely discussed and researched, however.

General AI, also known as strong AI, refers to a system that is designed to handle a variety of tasks. This type of AI should be able to perform any intellectual task on par with a human. It should not only be able to replicate human thought, but also fully understand it.

General AI does not yet exist and is so far only a hypothesis, but it has the potential to completely change the way we work. Many experts believe that the development of this type of AI is possible and have invested heavily in the technology. However, many are skeptical about developing a technology that could have unforeseen consequences.

At an even higher level than general artificial intelligence is what is known as super AI, or artificial super intelligence (ASI). This form of AI is intended to completely surpass human intelligence, and will be able to perform tasks much better and easier than we can. This type of artificial intelligence is still only a hypothesis, and if it is ever developed, it will be able to have its own emotions, needs and mindset.

It is unclear whether it will ever be possible to develop an artificial superintelligence, and a major debate is taking place about how prudent it would be to proceed with the development of this technology.


Artificial intelligence in the design industry

There is no doubt that we are in the midst of a new, and fourth, industrial revolution with the development of artificial intelligence as one of the drivers. As with any new development, skepticism will naturally arise, but when we think back to how our everyday lives would function today, without the use of computers and the internet, we try to look positively at the implementation of such technology in our work.

Artificial intelligence is set to become an integral part of how we work in the design industry in the years to come. There are countless ways in which both designers and consultants will be able to utilize the technology to improve their work processes and increase agency efficiency. There will likely be even more ways to use technology as we get used to it.

Automation of repetitive tasks

The most obvious use of artificial intelligence is to use the technology to perform and automate repetitive daily tasks, so that our time can be better utilized for other, more complicated or creative tasks. Good examples of this are organizing files or editing large amounts of images.

Design process optimization

Optimizing the design process is another great application of artificial intelligence. Designers can use the technology to analyze large amounts of data and find patterns that can help them design more efficiently and accurately. Among other things, AI can be used to select colors, shapes and materials that work best for a specific target audience.

Read more about using design systems.

Brand analysis and insights

Using natural language processing, strategists can analyze customer and social media feedback and understand how a specific target audience is talking about a product or service. This can provide valuable insights that can be used to develop more effective and targeted brands and campaigns.

Idea development

Artificial intelligence is also a fantastic tool to help develop ideas and mood boards or simple drafts of texts for clients. With the development of artificial intelligence, issues such as the iron curtain and writer's block will affect us far less than they have done in the past, and the hours previously spent researching the first sketch can now be spent refining the design and text instead.

Read more about 5 focus areas you need to work on to succeed with branding.


Examples of using AI in branding

One of the things we're so proud of at Mission, and in our industry, is our ability to constantly think outside the box, and our ability to use every part of our agency to find new solutions and create new creative ideas for our clients. That way, we make sure their brand can stand out from the crowd, but still stay true to the purpose it was built on.

The examples mentioned earlier in the article about how artificial intelligence could be used in our industry will most likely prove to be just the beginning. There are already examples of creative solutions where different forms of algorithms and artificial intelligence have been used.

Back in 2017, Italian agency Ogilvy & Mather used an algorithm to develop 7 million different patterns for the packaging of Nutella jars. The project was called Nutella Unica and all the jars were sold in less than a month.

In 2022, Heinz and the Canadian agency Rethink used the generative model DALL-E from OpenAI to generate a number of images of ketchup through various prompts. It turned out that a large proportion of the images generated mimicked Heinz's own bottle design. This was used in a campaign to emphasize how unique and well-known their brand is.

The use of AI for design agencies

All in all, the use of AI in a design agency gives you as a client a significant strategic advantage, and it's clear that such technology will be useful for anyone working in design and brand development.

By using this technology for tasks such as research and idea development, we free up valuable time that can be used for creative expression, fine-tuning projects while ensuring that everything is thoroughly executed and professionally sound. The projects of the future will be able to move faster from sketch to concept and discussions because more time is saved earlier in the process. AI will give agencies the ability to dive deep into insights and dig out information that will help develop designs and brands that really hit the mark.

Technology can provide the ability to design with even more precision and purpose than before, developing brands that not only look great, but deliver impressive results. So as a client, you no longer just have access to the creative talent and expertise of the agency, but also to the power of advanced technological tools that can take your brand to new heights.


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