The value of an idea lies in the using of it

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The key to standing apart from the noise is to find your unique voice translated into an unique idea for your company or product.


Infectious communication that makes a difference

“The Value of an Idea lies in the using of it”. These words could have come from us in Mission, but Thomas Edison was the first to say this, and I couldn’t agree more. Ideas need someone to make them happen. Ideas need doers not talkers.

As an account director in Mission, I always strive for the best on behalf of my clients. And before presenting an idea to a client we often ask ourselves which one of our ideas are the best, because it’s not always clear from the beginning which are the good, the bad, and the ugly. Very often great ideas have no reference points, they’re just original, and awkward. And awkward could be good!

“The key to standing apart from the noise is to find your unique voice translated into an unique idea for your company or product.”

Infectious communication

There has never been a better time to build an audience around an idea or product. But with so many people and companies clamouring for attention, it’s also more challenging than ever to do work that deeply resonates with the marketplace and creates true and lasting impact. That’s why Mission believe that quirky could be good! Because the key to standing apart from the noise is to find your unique voice translated into an unique idea for your company or product.

Those who identify and develop their voices will gain more attention and yield more influence. And when that happens you’re headed for success! Success is when things go “viral” and develop a life of their own beyond your control, scary though that may be. In today’s marketing society it’s called infectious communication. Infectious communication is the result of creating such compelling experiences and content that your customer enthusiastically become your best advocates. And it all starts with a brave idea.

Virgin’s business culture inspires

I’m sure you know Virgin, a true contemporary brand! Virgin operates within 5 core sectors, they have an incredible 70M customers, 65k staff, and an aggregated Virgin Group Revenue of 16 Billion Pounds!

In April, I had the pleasure of meeting with Teddy Mayer at the Fuse Conference in Miami. Teddy Mayer is VP of Design for Virgin Hotels.

There is something magically indefinable about the Virgin Culture. It’s what sets Virgin apart from their competitors and makes the Virgin Brand unique. Virgin is known for challenging the status quo, taking on industry giants and championing people and the planet. Disruption is clearly in their DNA, this is also captured in their brand purpose “Changing business for good”.

Their culture defines who they are and makes Virgin one of the most desirable places to work. Their culture is shaped by the spirit and passion for their most valuable asset; people. They seek bold brave ideas. They have to be remarkable because people don’t remember average.

I asked Teddy Mayer what makes Virgin – Virgin, a brand which operates within so many different sectors (from travel and leisure, to music and financial services. How do they strive for unity?

You may have guessed the answer, namely tone of voice . And if you know Virgin just a little, the answer seem obvious here's an excellent example .

For Virgin and a lot of brands that succeed the only thing that matters is everything. A successful brand is about consistency. Each detail paid attention to. Because consistency builds trust. And trust builds a business. For Virgin the consistency is all about tone-of-voice wether they’re talking leisure or finance. And that’s brave!

Sources and inspiration for further reading

Do purpose : David Hieatt,
On purpose : Shaun Smith & Andy Milligan
Teddy Mayer , VP, Virgin Hotels.


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