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Visibility is essential to reach your market. As with most things in life, it's about getting attention and being present where your target audience is!


The market doesn’t know we exist

You might have the best product in the world, but it’ll never be successful if people don’t know about it. It goes without saying that being in the right place with the right message is important, but simply standing out from the crowd is crucial as well. Visibility is a major theme. We have faith in a number of simple rules when it comes to making your voice heard above the noise of the media.

We believe it’s important to concentrate and dominate. It’s better to make your presence felt in one area than to be “invisible” in many.

We have faith in the brand and are true to everything we do – in other words, we’re consistent over time. We have faith in brand identities that stand out and so capture the attention of consumers. If your budget is small, it can often be a good idea to take ownership of one colour, one font, one photo style or one channel, and use this to make your position clear to your target group.

We have faith in social media. If handled correctly, social media can highlight your brand in a way which is credible and fast and involves your target group. It’s all a matter of giving consumers interesting experiences that they find engaging. Companies are dependent on battling through the crowds and buying space for themselves by choosing the right search terms. Experience shows that awareness of frequently selected search terms can make all the difference when it comes to your Google ranking on the page. As with most things in life, it’s all a matter of attracting attention and making sure you’re in the same place as your target group!


  1. Is your brand visible in its market?

  2. Is your brand easily searchable and accessible. Here, online content is important.

  3. Do you use design as a selling point?


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Being loved by everyone