E-book: Everything you need to know about Tone of Voice

E-book: Everything you need to know about tone of voice

Tone of voice is how the personality of your company or brand is expressed through language — spoken or written, internally or externally, on a small or large scale.

Your Brand Already Has a Way of Speaking

Although there may be differences in the level of formality and style between companies and people, it’s important that your brand speaks with one voice, not many.

Create Clear Guidelines for Everyone

Unfocused communication leaves a bad impression, and the brand or company may be perceived as erratic and unreliable. Develop a framework for how you want to talk to your target audience, and how you want to be perceived.

Make Sure You Know the Target Audience

Familiarise yourself with the competence level and interest of your audience, and tailor your message accordingly. Don’t address the experts, attorneys or board of directors unless they actually make out your target audience. In other words, make sure you know who you’re talking to before you start speaking.

Everything You Need to Know About Tone of Voice in One Place

We are committed to simplifying. That’s why we’ve made this e-book where you will find out more about:

  1. Our unique approach to tone of voice

  2. Why you should include tone of voice in your branding

  3. How to define your target audience and tailor your communication

  4. When you should consider changing your tone of voice

We'll say no more. You can read all about it in the e-book.

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