A visual life. A conversation with photographer Damian Heinisch


In an earlier piece I discussed how photography can be used to build and strengthen a brand. There is no question that images play a large part in our everyday digital lives and that they communicate in an immediate and powerful way. Our lives are increasingly filled with visual impressions and the way brands communicate change at a rapid pace. I have had a conversation with one of Norway’s most talented and highly respected photographers, Damian Heinisch, about how this is seen from a photographer´s point of view.


A changing profession

As with everything else, jobs and professions are subject to change over time. How would you say that your profession as a photographer has changed over the last few years? - Everyone can take pictures, that’s nothing new – it has been that way since cameras became a common possession. But the fact that it’s now easy for anyone to publish their photos – that’s new.

“Everyone can take pictures, that’s nothing new – it has been that way since cameras became a common possession. But the fact that it’s now easy for anyone to publish their photos – that’s new.”

More images have been published in the past 6 months than have been published in total in the history of photography up until then. For example, close to 80 million images and videos are uploaded to Instagram every day (according to brandwatch.com). Photography is going through a period of transition. Just as the music industry underwent a process of change, the same is happening in the world of photography. It has gone from being a domain reserved for photographers and distributors to one where anyone can play an increasingly large part in it. Then they can earn feedback in forms of “likes” and comments. People have become increasingly aware of the possibility of using photography as a kind of personal branding tool. Some individuals are certainly using this much more actively than others and even make money from it. Through this process, they are also learning more about the effect and value of photography and how it can be used in marketing.

Damian continues - on the other hand, I see many examples where there is a lack of understanding regarding the effect and value of a good photo in relation to the marketing message one hopes to convey. The relationship between the impact and the cost of an image is not proportional. Take as an example a full page advert in a magazine. The advertising space may cost NOK 100,000 and the image covers most of the page. The image itself is doing the main job of communicating the message but represents a fraction of the cost. There is a lot of good work out there, but I also see a lot of work that isn’t so good. It is quite obvious at times that money has been saved and shortcuts have been taken to acquire an image, and that’s a shame.


Those who know Damian or have worked with him, know that he has a clear philosophy - always delivering the highest quality. - It’s a matter of pride. I’m the one putting myself forward as the originator of my work and that’s why it’s very important to me to always deliver the best.

“It’s a matter of pride. I’m the one putting myself forward as the originator of my work and that’s why it’s very important to me to always deliver the best.”

But creating and delivering at top level is demanding work. Top quality demands a continuous effort of staying up to date. Constantly improving and creating new ideas – it’s hard work. Damian reflects that maybe that’s why so many accept a mediocre result as good enough.

“Storytelling” is a keyword when working in the visual world. You want to come up with something new and interesting on every new assignment. Aside from the hardware, the most important tool also needs constant updating, i.e. your brain. As a photographer you have to constantly be on your toes to be able to open up new horizons for customers and to present new concepts and ideas. But then, that’s also part of the excitement of the job. The mind is always on alert with the notion of gathering influences and references, seeing new possibilities and ideas that can be used in the work. All of this is included when purchasing a creative service.

The creative process behind an image is a lot more demanding and requires more work than what you see at the actual shoot. It’s all about what you have between the ears of knowledge, talent and experience. Nowadays, when an unsophisticated attitude towards photography is so prevalent, some of the respect for the profession has been lost and that’s a challenge.

As we see how photography leaves an increasingly significant mark on our everyday lives, we also see how it is more important to prioritise using good images as a way to stand out from the crowd.


Images in brands

Mission has worked with Damian for a number of years on a range of projects. The latest one was the rebranding of Herkules Capital . This was one of several examples where photography is maximised to build a brand and impress a distinctive character upon it. A finance company delivers many services that are difficult to portray without the result having a clichéd feel. The solution was a series abstract interpretations of light and structure. The very core of the brand’s concept is based on growth and the ability to see new possibilities. The images are inspired by architecture, structure and dimension. Most of the job was done preparatory; we had to test out various solutions and materials. The result was a series of very strong and elegant photographs showing glass structures lit and placed in various ways, and which won an award in Gullsnitt 2015 . (Gullsnitt is Norway´s leading competition in photography whose purpose is to exhibit and create awareness of photography.) The images have worked well for the client and are regularly used to present the company. Subsequently, the images have created a lot of attention for Herkules and helped the company to clearly stand out from the competition.


It is very exciting to be given the chance to play such an important part in shaping and influencing the identity of a brand. Photography can be a powerful tool in the building of a strong and unique brand, so clearly it is worth investing in. It yields measurable value in terms of knowledge and esteem. Photos can be adapted to suit the message and identity, in contrast to photos from an image bank. In addition, nobody else will be able to make use of exactly the same photos, and the whole series will have the same style and expression. As with any artist, a photographer will also place their distinctive craftsmanship upon their images.

Curious about brands and identity? Find out in our white paper.

In today’s society, where the wheels of time turn ever faster, customers expect more and more within shorter and shorter deadlines, and in addition, “it shouldn’t cost anything”. Nevertheless, Damian believes that hiring a photographer is not expensive when you take into account the end product. The important thing is to develop a good working partnership beforehand and have faith in the photographer; in the end you will see that it was worth the money. Damian does not sell his photos to image banks, and would rather not be compared with such a solution. He has his own image bank instead, from which it is possible to purchase images, should someone so desire.

In recent years, Damian has also been working as a lecturer at Bilder Nordic - School of Photography. Even though the profession of photographer faces new challenges, there is no shortage of promising talent passionate about the subject. Educating new photographers is not just about running courses: photography is a personal thing and in so many ways you could liken it to a journey of personal development. I leave that as the last point from my conversation with Damian. With it we may hopefully se a promising future for photography as one of our strongest channels of expression.


Damian Heinisch

One of Norway's prominent photographers. He is the creator of several award winning works in Norway and elsewhere. In addition to working as a photographer, he teaches at Bilder Nordic - School of Photography, as well as running courses and workshops. Damian is one Norway's designated Leica ambassadors. Read more about Damian Heinisch here .


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