
Grieg Seafood - Digital Branding

New website with a focus on storytelling


Grieg Seafood lives by and for the sea as one of the world's leading fish farmers.
The fish farms are located in Norway, Canada and Newfoundland.

The company has approximately 800 employees globally. 


Grieg Seafood has a deep commitment to sustainability, and the communities in which they operate. They are gaining increasing respect and praise for their work in integrating sustainability into all parts of their business. In the development of the new websites, the focus on openness and transparency regarding the industry's many target groups and challenges, and the important role that local communities play, is crucial to emphasise.


The vision "Rooted in Nature, farming the ocean for a better future", is the theme and direction that reflects everything we say and do, and forms the basis for the brand experience. 

We developed the website with a clear emphasis on storytelling, focusing on sustainability, local communities and the people who work at Grieg Seafood.

We have a shared ambition to demonstrate that Grieg Seafood is honest, skilled and inspiring to all target groups. 

How we tell the stories and document the results reflects the brand experience.


We have succeeded in creating a website that reflects Grieg Seafood in every way.

The website has become a valuable tool and an updated status for all stakeholders about Grieg Seafood's vision and principles for ethical business operations. The local communities have been given their very own place, and the employees from all over the world feel included and motivated by the brand they are such an important part of.

Excerpt from the front page of the new Grieg Seafood website
Grieg Seafood's new website shown on two mobile screens


Web audit
Digital strategy
Sitemap, flowcharts and wireframes
UX design
UI design
Choice of new CMS platform
Preparation of technical requirements specification for programmers
Implementation of content for the web
User testing

More fish swimming in the sea - Grieg Seafood
Beautiful landscape of the fjord in Rogaland - Grieg Seafood
Man leaning relaxingly against the fence of a salmon cage - Grieg Seafood

ESG-focused investors:

Early in the development of websites, we saw the need for a separate website for investors.
Grieg Seafood investors are committed to sustainable green investments with a long-term perspective. The target group places high demands on documentation. Topics such as business management, risk analysis, long-term strategic plans and CPIs deserve a separate focus. The investor pages have garnered a lot of applause from the industry!

Screenshot from the new website for Grieg Seafood
Grieg Seafood's new website shown in mobile format
Graphs and statistics from Grieg Seafood's new website - Pc/Mac format
The website shows the shareholders of Grieg Seafood
Grieg Seafood's new website in Ipad format
Man inspecting along a salmon net - Grieg Seafood
Man carrying out work on a salmon farm - Grieg Seafood
Grieg Seafood's new website shown on several mobile screens

Let's make magic together!


EVRY – Brand Identity


TINE – Annual Report