What can brand architecture do for your business?


If companies grow too quickly, they can lose control and their services become unclear. Use brand architecture to combat this.

How to design a successful brand architecture.


Don’t appear unclear, structure your brand

It’s natural for companies to grow, develop new services, buy up other companies or expand their product ranges in the hunt for profit. But if companies grow too quickly, they can rapidly lose control. The clearest evidence of this is when their range of products or services becomes unclear and the company seems disorganised.

Brand architecture can help, this is a way of organizing services, subsidiaries and products into a formal structure that provides some strategic advantages. The point is that with growth comes the need to organize.

Read the article: What is positioning? Do you have a unique market position?


  1. Have you built up a broad range of products/services?

  2. Is the role of each product/service clear at your company?

  3. Are there any synergies you can be utilizing?


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