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Have you ever considered the idea that a brand not only communicates externally, but just as much internally within the company?


The best heads go for the strongest brand

For many companies, a strong brand is an important tool for implementing necessary changes with both management and the organization. Employees are often concerned with their own position and status, and therefore the company they work for and the position they have become part of their own identity. It can be said that the company's brand means a lot to the employee's social status and position. The brand of one's own employer thus becomes part of one's own identity. Therefore, you describe yourself with a pride in the connection you have to the business.

In fact, employees who identify with their employer are four times more loyal than those who are less positive about their employer. This is according to a survey carried out for MetLife, which is one of the US's largest insurance companies.

But what is it that makes companies where employees identify strongly with the brand, also do better than other companies both in terms of business goals such as top-line growth, profitability and also the value development on the stock exchange.

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It is about creating a clear organizational culture. The 2020 career barometer shows that Norwegian students are looking for employers with a strong reputation, a clear culture and an inspiring personality.

Let's use the brand as a benchmark for what is expected of employees. What is our common level of ambition, what is expected of me? Most people like to work in companies that do well. But it is too much too far if it is the employees who have to define what is good enough. Here, the management must be able to communicate goals and visions for the company to employees. Those who manage to communicate brand messages all the way to part-time employees and temps are the winners. It does not help that owners and management know the values, culture and uniqueness if the employees do not also work with this in mind in everyday life.

If a brand communicates at a world elite level, then this is a clear signal most people understand. Such a brand then also attracts the sharpest brains among us. If a person does not have the same ambition or is unable to show equally good results, one usually does not fit into this work culture. The chance of employment is also small. We can say that the brand helps to define what our level of ambition is and therefore plays an important role as a benchmark for the work that is done. Pride in one's own work and the company's brand stimulates the individual to go a little further.

For many businesses, it will be absolutely crucial to be able to evaluate the branding work and make visible the values that are created. Measuring the effort of the work with employer branding can in some cases be challenging. But simple measures such as the number of applicants for positions and how long employees work in the business are classic and good methods that are often used. We think that the best ways to measure how successful the business is in the labor market is something that makes it all more personal. Something that reveals not only history, but also the future. Therefore, an important question may be whether you would recommend one of your friends to apply for a job in the company you work for.

"Would you recommend one of your friends to apply for a job at the company you work for?"

Many companies will probably be reluctant to the result, had all employees been asked this question. In fact, only 2 in 5 would say that their workplace is a great place to work. The question is just as important and simple that it should be asked at regular intervals. This does not mean that everyone should have a great time at work every day. As is well known, there will be periods that are demanding and difficult for many throughout a year. It's part of the job. But it is precisely in such periods that it is important that the employee benefits from belonging to a strong corporate culture that communicates the value of effort, problem solving and the employee's willingness to continue and achieve the goals. And not least a corporate culture that has a strategy for retaining and cultivating talent in the employee.


  1. When was the last time you consciously worked with employer branding to attract the most attractive employees?

  2. How do you ensure that all employees know the vision, values and goals of the company?

  3. When was the last time you researched how many of the employees would actually recommend the business to their friends and acquaintances?


MetLife - Great workplaces
Career start - The career barometer
HBR - CEO`s need to pay attention to employer branding


Plain language gets your message across


What can brand architecture do for your business?