Find your brand communication formula


How can you maintain a uniform brand when technology and communication channels are changing from year to year? Why is it important to stay true to your brand in a time when you are bombarded with new messages and impressions on a daily basis? What are the risks for your brand if you fail to factor in consistency in your communication?



Companies have focused on creating a uniform, consistent presence since visual identity and branding became common practice for marketing products or services. In practice, this involves developing design elements, templates, messages and images and defining specific usage rules and guidelines. Such things used to be compiled into a catalogue, folder, brochure or book and/or stored on a floppy disk or CD or in a PDF file and published internally. These elements and rules were then “set in stone” and distributed to agencies or anyone else responsible for communicating the brand. For instance, you can take a look at NASA’s 1976 brand manual here (PDF). Nowadays, it’s more common for such things to be published digitally on websites, sometimes with password-protected access.

We call this a fire guide .


Things happen scarily quickly in today’s market. Communication channels and technology are bringing about one “revolution” after another. A range of brand building experts refer to “living” brands whereby rules and guidelines are defined more flexibly so that they can be adapted to constant shifts. Many brands find it necessary to quickly adapt and cast themselves over the latest trends for fear of being left behind.

Digital channels and technology - how to be consistent?

  1. Different social channels require completely different strategies for communication. Know your visiting times and what constitutes relevant content. For instance, don’t try running coupon ads on Instagram.

  2. Try to maintain a consistent visual presence as far as possible: the same logo variant, the same colours, the same images.

  3. A carefully considered tone of voice lends credibility as it is consistent in all channels.

  4. Make sure you have a regular flow of content in your channels. If you’re not making serious use of a channel, just drop it completely.

  5. Adapt to the various channels, but use the same message so that you’re clear and consistent.

Further reading: Without strategy, nothing happens to your brand.


The importance of consistency

Constantly adapting and casting yourself over the latest trend involves a risk of watering down your own brand. Being clear and consistent is still one of the most important, most effective things you can do to build a strong brand. The range of messages which people are faced with day after day is constantly growing, just as more and more new channels become available. We’re bombarded with commercials and ads on the street, in the post, on Facebook, in our inboxes and in all other channels. As a consequence, people’s attention span is incredibly short when it comes to commercial messages and they swiftly filter out noise. That’s why it’s more important than ever to communicate consistently, clearly and simply. Repetition and – not least – standing out from the crowd are also important methods that we’ve used previously.

Consistency isn't always easy

Putting your logo in the right color on all surfaces is not enough. A strong brand is built over time and requires well-thought-out strategy and consistent implementation. Message, tone-of-voice , photo / video style , typography, layout and colors are all parts of the whole that can help to gather the expression. In larger companies, there are also many people and / or agencies that generate content on behalf of your company. Getting everyone to speak with the same voice can be a challenge. In addition, having to deal with the same color and the same message every day can be perceived as boring and repetitive. But it's just boring for THEM. The effect externally is the opposite of boring and essential for success.

Not sure how to work on positioning?

Read the article: What is positioning? Do you have a unique market position?


“In other words, being consistent lends your company credibility and recognition, leading to trust and loyalty among your target group.”


Tips for maintaining a consistent brand

  1. Don’t view consistency as dull. These are just small steps towards an important destination.

    1. Define clear, simple guidelines for element usage.

    2. Communicate to your partners the importance of the brand and correct brand management.

    3. Make sure everyone involved always has access to correct elements and guidelines such as logo files, images, etc.

    4. Present the intention behind your design and review the guidelines with the team.

    5. Be open to questions and feedback in order to eliminate any exceptions or grey areas.

    6. Make sure someone is responsible for ensuring that rules are followed. Assess alternative measures if they’re not.


Does your brand need direction?

If you’re not sure whether you have control of your brand, or if you’ve already decided you need to tighten things up, get in touch with Mission. We specialize in long-term strategic brand building and have developed our own tools to help customers maintain control over their brands.


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