BAMA Storkjøkken’s voice infused with creativity


BAMA Storkjøkken does not speak to each individual who buys apples, oranges and mangoes at the supermarket.


They speak to the professional market, although there are, of course, differences between kitchen managers. Some work in gourmet restaurants where extreme perfectionism and intuitive flair are essential to their survival, while others work in municipal hospitals where the aim is to get as much good food as possible for the lowest price.

Have a little fun with your language!

It goes without saying that many chefs are far more preoccupied with the visual than with the verbal. When we sometimes have to speak to such a varied audience with one voice, we have to make a few decisions. What you do not say is also an important part of the language you choose to use. BAMA Storkjøkken needs to communicate concisely as well as demonstrate that they are the supplier with the most knowledge of fruit and vegetables, and also when it comes to poultry and fish via Køltzow. They are by far the biggest player in the professional natural food market, but want to convince its partners in thousands of kitchens across the country that they are capable of thinking big and that they care about all the details that improve and facilitate the situation for each individual customer.

“What you do not say is also an important part of the language you choose to use.”

You are allowed to play with food - and also with how you write about it.

Exquisite raw ingredients have always been central to the profile we have created for BAMA Storkjøkken. These have been supplemented with pictures of serious yet playful chefs and kitchen managers, not least the culinary staff in the BAMA Culinary Team. A playful yet serious tone in the language we use reflects this.

Will the text go down well for those working in a large kitchen?

There are all sorts of ways in which one can create boring product catalogues, but we have tried to avoid these. Nevertheless, we need to portray hundreds of natural foodstuffs that are neatly presented along with pleasantly-presented facts relevant to these foodstuffs. But our aim has been to spice up the brochure with more than just this. Those cooks who enjoy our small linguistic offerings can partake of them. Those who don’t can just turn to the next page. For example, we start our chat with the professional market in BAMA Storkjøkken’s product catalogue in this way:

We want to share the benefits

Not just share them. We clean them, peel them, wash, dry, pack or vacuum-pack them as well. For when it comes to fresher than fresh salads, fruit, vegetables, and potatoes, BAMA is a company that gives you everything you are looking for. We have the healthiest products and the most natural raw ingredients, and we have the safest set-up when it comes to sales, marketing, distribution and finance. These are just a few of the areas in which we really do have green fingers!

This is a little informal, but it has a message. We get the message across that BAMA Storkjøkken has versatility, knowledge and experience.

Inspiration and further reading

There is a difference between marketing mayonnaise and Volvo

What does language really mean for a company's identity? - Read our latest article on tone of voice

See how we in Mission worked to make BAMA Storkjøkken the visible player they are today


Can you tell the story of the company, and if so, will anyone listen?


Brands and companies do not always have a consistent tone of voice