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The Brand Refresh Program
The brand needs a visual upgrade to get the attention it deserves. By enhancing the visual presence of your brand, we also enhance its quality
Showcase your brand's strengths, and stand out with renewed confidence by refreshing your public image.
Your visual identity is the core of your brand. Help your customers and employees form a new, fresh, and perhaps different impression of who you are.
Rebranding refreshes and updates a company’s expressed style or personality, to keep up with the competition.
When should we talk?
Your brand doesn't stand out against the competition
Your visual expression is inconsistent across different channels
You’re losing market position and market share
The identity feels outdated
What We Deliver
Are you presenting your best self? Design is about more than just looking good. It's about challenging boundaries and daring to stand out.
Don't waste your brand. Let beauty work for you. Let us show you how harnessing the power of a great design strategy can work wonders for your brand.
Your brand identity is not just a visual presentation; it's a transformative tool. We harness the power of images, shapes and words to bring your brand to life.
Mission develops tailored design guidelines that ensure visual unity across all platforms, making the brand recognisable and consistent.
Mission offers evaluation and support that will continuously improve your brand's communication, ensuring it remains relevant, consistent and aligned with market needs.
What this will do for you
Form a new, fresh and unique impression of your brand, which will resonate better with who you are, and how you want to be perceived in your market.
Internal benefits
Each touchpoint is optimised to be more efficient
The brand is easier to manage
Unified expression inside and out
External benefits
The brand stands out from the competition
The brand communicates in a more compelling way
The brand resonates with the target audiences